
I found 'Soybean karaage (deep fry cooking) ' in a health food store.

’よし、食べさせてみよう’ と’からあげ’にしてみました。
I was thinking when shall I cook them for awhile. So, yesterday, my parents and brother and his girlfriend came for dinner to our house, so I decided to cook and give them a try.

この大豆からあげ、大豆の脂肪分を除いた、純植物性食品、大豆たんぱく100% だそうです。
This soybean karaage is a vegan food with soybean fat removed, 100% soy protein.

Before cooking, they are dried and hard.

I refer to the recipe on the back of the bag and add some of my ideas.

How to make Soybean karaage

  大豆のからあげ20個を、80℃位のお湯に浸けます。 (15~20分程度)
Soak 20 pieces of soybean karaage in 80-degree hot water.(15-20min)

2  戻した後しっかりと膨らんだら水を切ります。このときよく水を搾っておくと、揚げる際に油はねがないかも。 (注:)私はきちんと搾っておかなかったから、油に入れたとたん 油がはね、ブルース・リーになったかのようにアチョー、アチョーといいながら揚げました。ステップを取り入れてみてもいいでしょう。
After soaking and making sure it has risen, drain the hot water and squeeze carefully so that the oil won't spatter when frying. (I think I didn't remove enough of the water in this process and maybe that is why the oil was spattering around after I put it in the oil pan. I was shouting like Bruce Lee while cooking.You can walk like him,too. Haiyaah! haiyaaaaah!!)

3   ビニールの袋に、摺った生姜(一カケ)、にんにく(1片)、醤油(大さじ3-4)、と戻した大豆たんぱくを入れて、調味料がいきわたるように軽く揉みながら味付け。15分以上置く。
Put seasoning (1 clove garlic. ginger with same mount of garlic, soy-sauce 3 or 4 table spoons) and soaked soy karaage in a plastic cooking bag. Mix and knead them gently. Then leave for over 15 min.

4 片栗粉をまぶし、揚げてできあがり。
Lightly coat the soybean karaage with starch and deep fry. That's it!

Serve over sliced onion and I put some chopped myoga-ginger and sliced macrophyll leaves before bringing to the table.
Feels elastic and is similar in texture of chicken karaage.

Every one likes it !!! Very gooood!

Soybean karage will be a favorite in our kitchen.


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